Wasdale... hadn't been there for a while, so while the rest of the countr held their breath for a fine forecast for a certain wedding, Cumbria was blessed with glorious sunshine, so off I went - Scafell Pike and Scafell were todays targets.
I've said it before, but this IS AN EPIC!! Apologies if you get fed up half way round...
I've said it before, but this IS AN EPIC!! Apologies if you get fed up half way round...

A hazy shot of the classic Wastwater view. No matter the weather this place always has its own atmosphere. Well worth a visit even oif only to sit by the side of the lake (which is lakelands deepest).

No doubting where we are, but can you see the stick man shadown on the floor off the sign? Just along the road here in Greendale is the home of legendary fell runner Jos Naylor. He can be often seen in the summer out with his dogs.

Reflections of Illgill Head, aka the screes as you come down the lake. Stunning.

Not our destination today, but a shot of Kirk Fell on the left and Great Gable in the distance over the flowering gorse.

I parked at Brackenclose at the top of the lake by the campsite, and had intended on going upthrough Brown ongue. There was a group of lads heading the same way, so I headed up Lingmell for a bit of P&Q and solitude. The view down to waswater from the start of the climb.

A glance across towards Pillar at the head of the Mosedale valley. Taking this route would give great views into here.

The steep climb ahead up Lingmell - a real lung and leg buster....

... but worth it as the views in Mosedale open up. Looking over Wasdale Head, Pillar the highest peak on the right.

Over the stile and the views into waswater open up. I was huffing and puffing like an old man by now.

Did I mention the great views into Mosedale? I love this vista.

Meet Cliff... this is the name I have given to this wee fella who couldn't have been more than a day old. I heard his bleeting and located him stuck down the side of a river bed. I approached him he ran straight over, so knew he was distressed. Hoping I was doing the right thing I picked him up and carried him back onto the fellside.

With camera in one hand and Cliff in the other, I looked around fro signs of his mother, but there were no sheep around. As I headed a little further across these two seemed to show some interest, so I put him down near by and after I retreated they came over. They eventually wandered off together, so hope things worked out ok.

Scafell and the crags below, our 2nd destination today. Our path up here is via Lord's Rake and follows the line where the crags meet a slight grasssy slope in this pic.

Waswater from Lingmell col with the 'tourist path' clearly visible snaking down the hill side. Don't often use this route, but best way for todays circuit

Looking back at the col with Lingmell and Great Gable behind.

A close up Gable. The jagged rocks on this side are called the Napes, and one of my to do routes this year.

The deserted summit of England's highest - you have no idea how rare this is!! I took a shot of the summit from Scafell later, and counted over 40 people on here!!

As you'd expect on a day like today from here the views are pretty amazing - this is looking towards Bowfell on the left and Pam's lovingly renamed 'Crinkley Ride' on the right.

From Scafell Piek we head directly towards Scafell. This is Mickedon saddle my normal approach route, but this is where it ets interesting. It looks so easy to access from here, but the rock faces should be left to rock climbers. The slit here is called Broad Stand, and notorious for accidents with the unwary attempting it.

My route today via Lord's rake is a classic scramble, and is accessd by going as far along teh path above as possible then dropping down to the right, following the trail below the crags.

The path is very atmosphereic nestled below the huge rock face. This is looking at Pulpit Rock, reported to be one of the birth site of rock climbing, where teh first looney stood below it and thought 'this looks fun, let's try and climb it!' and remeber they had nails in the soles of their boots and tweed jackets on!

The start of Lord's Rake. There is a chock stone at the very top, and to give it some scale you can climb through the gap under it.

Looking back down the rake. The scree was that loose it was difficult to get a footing along here to stand still enough to take this pic!!

The top of the 1st section and the chock stone... I hope it can hold for another 10 minutes!!!

The rake consists of 3 ups and 2 downs, looking at he 2nd up.

There some amazing surprise views through the gulleys and cliffs along here.

Approaching the final 'up' of the rake, aswater peaking around the corner. I stopped along here for a butty....

.. who wouldn't with views like this. Looking across towards Mosedale again and it's surrounding fells. It was magical sat here.

A closer look at the final section of the rake. Loved the sky and that little cloud floating along.

Out of the rake and back in the sunshine on the path to Scafell, wonderful view into Wastwater with Burnmoor tarn on the left.

Top of Scafell looking towards Mosedale (again!!) England 2nd highest peak.

Of course, what goes up must come down, so after a 10 min break soaking up those amazing views, it was the steep descent. Looking back up the path.

A diffent view of Yewbarrow on the way down, this is a great fell to climb, but is always seen as a steep conical shape from the lake road.

Almost our 3 peaks of the day - Lingmell on the left with Scafel Pike centre and Scafell crags on the right. A stunning day out in perfect conditions, shorts and T shirt all the way.

A last look down the lake on the way home, the Scafell massif at its head.
Thanks for sticking with it, and epic walk and route and worthy of a long blog, would have been an injustice not to!