What a day it turned out to be!!
Every now and again, you get a day on the fells which takes your breath away, if this had been my last day on this earth, I'd have gone a happy man. Enjoy
Every now and again, you get a day on the fells which takes your breath away, if this had been my last day on this earth, I'd have gone a happy man. Enjoy

I set off from Brackenclose at the top of the lake, and there were signs of
spring along the path. Lingmell is shrouded in low cloud beyond, I hoped it
wasn't going to be one of those days.

A steady climb up gives glimpses into a murky and misty Wastwater. Thankfully
there was no wind, so it was quite pleasant walking.

A look at where we are going, and it isn't looking much better!! We take the
RH fork at the waterfall up Brown

A final last look into Wastwater as we approach the low cloud. It was
beginning to feel quite chilly now, so time for my jacket and hat.

Into a thick clag now, thank goodness for these cairns. I had intended on
climbing up through the saddle at Mickeldore, but in these conditions I stayed
on the main

A few hundred feet from the top and there was some brightness through the
mist, as I climbed higher glimpses of blue sky began to break through.

Oh yes, it was certainly looking very good now. A haunting look across the
crags as the mist swirls around them

Emerging through the cloud I spotted my Brochen Spectre! This is an
phenomonen that happens when the sun, mist and temp are all in a certain
condition it produces a halo around your shadow (or Glory Ring). Quite rare to
see one, 2nd I've witnessed in 4 years. Use google if you want to know more.

I shared the BS experience with a fell runner on his way down (you can just
see him below). We were above the clouds now, simply stunning as we look towards
Broad Crag.

Only the highest peaks were managing to poke their heads above the clouds.
Great Gable closest and Grasmoor near Keswick in the far distance. Amazing.

Another view towards Broad Crag and Great End in the distance, my last peak
of the today.

Great Gable over a cairn and you can just make aout a break below exposing

I didn't head straight to the top, instead I wandered over towards Scafell.
This is the route I had intended to come up, in the saddle below the cloud that
was rolling over. Quite spectacular, I sat here for half an hour watching.

The same view from further back..

and a close up of Scafell crags holding back the cloud. The last time I was
up here I went across here via Lords Rake which is just under the cloud here and
then climbs up at the far end. Now that would have been spectacular today!!

A deserted summit of England. For anyone who has been here, you know how rare
that is. I had teh place to myself for a good half hour, just amazing.

Looking across the summit trig point at Great Gable

The way we're going next - Broad Crag, a detour to Ill Crag on the right and
Great End in the distance.

The highest boots in England :-)

Finally it's time to leave (reluctantly) and as we drop down to the col
between Scafell Piek and Broad Crag, it almost seems like we are below the

Gable still standing proud..

Ill Crag is not a true summit, but well worth a visit for great views onto
Scafell Pike and Broad Crag on the

A wider angled view, look at that

Horizon from Ill Crag. The Crinkle Crags can just be seen on the left.

Bowfell looks like a crocodile on a hunt through water..

Heading back from Ill Crag to pick the path up towards Great End and spotted
these little cairns all in a row. Gable behind.

As I approached Great end, the cloud seem to be rising getting ready to
engulf it.

Unfortunately that was the last of the sun, so it was a case of jumper back
on and follow the cairns down. Sad but exhilerated.

We head towards Esk Hause and join the path down which follows Ruddy Gill.

We pass a couple of tarns on teh way down, the first is Sprinkling Tarn, and
I was expecting to see an arm cald in the purest shimmering samite hold forth
excalibur.... no such luck, just a few ducks!!

Sty Head tarn located at a pass of the same name. Left up from here takes you
to Great Gable and straight on heads into Borrowdale. Our path is left from

.... back into Wasdale, still looking as murky as it did before!!

Back on the valley floor and I passed these herdies at a feeding station. The
one on the top had a look in it's eye as if to say "it seemed a good idea at the

St Olafs, the parish church of Wasdale. The roof beams are thought to be from
a Viking long boat from settlers quite a few years ago! More info here

Signs of a recent wedding inside the small church.

A window pane dedicated to members of the Furness Rock Climbing Club who lost
their lives in

A look back over St Olafs with Great Gable behind.

Wasdale Head Inn with locals dining in the foreground. The area is currently
being run via generators as the power line which feeds the area and runs through
the lake has broken. rather than repair it they are currently digging up the
access roads into the valley to replace it was an fixed line. The steep flank of
Pillar dominates behind.